Originally Posted by level five
i agree dude... eat some food!!
however, jinnkai...
...so you feel that refined sugar, partially hydrogenated oils (AKA trans fats), high fructose corn syrup, etc. are just fine to eat? because that's what processed foods contain.
i don't really think your body adapts to handle that stuff unless you think obesity as a result is OK. we didn't have this problem to the extent that we did before all the processed stuff started hitting society. granted people are generally more lazy than they used to be. that said, you also have to consider what we put in our bodies.
i'm not trying to start a debate on the pros/cons of these processed foods - people can eat whatever they want. i personally want a decent quality of life as I age and believe food plays a key part, as well as excercise and mental health.
eating one twinkie isn't bad in and of itself. making it half your diet is, well...i'll stop there.
my BMI is a healthy 23ish now

. That was way back when I don't want to be that skinny. My diet changes with the oppurtunity. During the day, if I eat at all, it will most likely be a hamburger or a sub.
I notice with myself that I generally tend to eat healthy. I'll grab juice instead of a soda, or a salad or something filling to hold till dinner. Dinner normally consists of a meat, and a veggie. ( i love broccolli).
Thinking about it, I'm more concerned with the fact that I don't eat at all during the day because of the heat. I'm a pool man, and I'm in the sun probally 75% of the day. I try to drink alot of fluids to compensate for the sweating.
I get little odd muscle cramps, mostly in my hands, feet, and, calves. I hasn't happened recently, but I wake up from my calf cramping so bad that I have problems forcing my muscle straight.
When I do eat something in the morning, I take a one-a-day too.
I agree with you, level five, and your statement on the processed food. They taste great(sometimes) but they don't really provide much nutritional value.
Everything has the potential to be dangerous when consumed in excess,