Yeah, as everyone said, druids and warlocks. Once you start playing one, you might also figure out why they're relatively rare. Druids are strange because leveling up you have to figure out how to be a mage and a priest and a warrior and a rogue all at the same time, but once you get to endgame your focus narrows to almost exclusively healing. Warlocks, on the other hand, are just kind of an odd class. They have some cool tricks and neat spells, but soul shards are an enormous pain in the ass to deal with and figuring out how and when to use all the pets and their respective abilities is a challenge, to say the least. They're also quite difficult to level effectively, at least until you get death coil.
Another consistently solid option is to roll a dwarf priest, since most raiding guilds are always looking for another fear ward. My friend leveled a shadow priest to 60 in less than 10 days /played.