Originally Posted by willravel
Children do not enjoy the same freedoms and responsibilities as adults.
what does that have to do with my contention that minors do have the same free speach rights?
Originally Posted by willravel
In High School my car was searched for drugs as often as twice a week. They never found anything because there was nothing to find, of course, but the thought that no one needed a warrent to search my car because I was 16 instead of 18 disgusted me. I never parked on campus, but they were allowed to search my car none the less.
if you weren't parking on campus, then no, they did not have a right to search your car. you should have called the cops. gone and gotten a court order if you didn't want them to do it. but if you wanted to park on campus, they had the right to make you accept searches as a condition of parking on campus.
Originally Posted by willravel
I spoke out when several faculty members decided that evolution was going to take a back seat to creationism. Not only wasn't I heard, but I was suspended for putting together a petition to fix the curriculum.
and why didn't you do something about that? that's a clear violation of your rights and would not have held up in court. people in power will always exert as much power as they can, if you don't say something, do something, when they overstep their authority, why bitch about it? or is it possible that maybe the manner in which you went about this petition had to do with your suspension and not the petition itself? (i wouldn't know, just something to think about).
Originally Posted by willravel
When I was maybe 14 or 15, I asked my dad why I couldn't vote yet. He explained that children weren't responsible or mature enough to vote. I argued that many adults were irresponsible and immature, but they were allowed to vote. There are limits to how much freedom minors can exercise.
voting isn't a freedom. it's an inalienable right and responsibility of living in a free society. you aren't free to vote. it's your responsibility to do so (which many people choose to ignore and not vote). we also don't let people under 21 drink alcohol. but any 12 year old can make a sign and protest his inability to vote or drink. to my knowledge, there are no limits to the first amendment based on being a minor. if there are some you know of, i'd appreciate you filling me in.
Originally Posted by willravel
As far as the comparison to a dress code at work...are you legally required to go to your job? Will a truency officer hunt you down if you don't go to work? If you don't like the dress code at your job, then you can find another job. If you don't like your school's dress code, that's too bad.
you're not legally required to go to public school. you can be home schooled. and once you turn 16, you're not required to go to school at all.
yeah, it's too bad if you don't like your schools dress code. it's too bad if you don't like your jobs dress code. it's too bad if you don't like the (unspoken) norms of appropriate dress at church/synagogue, funerals, etc.
the comparison between school and work dress codes works fine. when you're not on your own time, you don't necessarily have the right to wear whatever you want. hell, even when you are on your own time, you can't wear whatever you want. otherwise i'd be doing my grocery shopping in the nude.