Chicago, Aug 4, 5, 6
My plan is to be bringing my son, Tim and his chess coach to the Doubletree, Oak Brook for the Denker High School Championship, and the US Chess Open.
We'll be leaving the Detroit area early (hopefully) on Friday, arriving eary/mid afternoon. The Open tournament begins Saturday evening, and the Denker has opening ceremonies on Sunday.
Our initial plans have all blown up because life conspired to prevent the Grumpette from making the trip. Now,we three guys will have Friday evening and all day Saturday to find a way to entertain ourselves. (Tim is 18, a bit shy and a straight-laced church-going type. Lou, the coach, is a chess nerd of sorts, but very nice and sociable. Me, I have to behave 'cause I'm with the kid and Mrs. Grump will get a detailed report!)
Who's got some ideas? Who would like to meet up for some beers and bullshit? Where's the best place for (a reasonsbly priced) Friday night dinner? How do we kill a morning and afternoon in the Oak Brook area on Saturday?
I realize that this is short notice, but our plans did change suddenly. I'll make the trip with the wife another time.
(Hey Chicago! I met a couple of hundred of your brothers and sisters this summer. They came to bowl in the Hamtramck Singles tournament. My family worked as organizers and score monitors. All great, fun people that we thoroughly enjoyed spending time with!)
I've gotten the final mix of a song I wrote memorializing my brother, who passed away last year. My plan is to produce a multimedia cd and distribute it to my extended family. You can be among the first to preview the audio portion of the project! (this is not related to the recording project I've mentioned in my journal. this is totally different and totally solo!)
Got ideas? Wanna meet-up? Post here, or PM, your choice! Thanks all!