Recently, I traveled with my wife to a large U.S. military base to attend a ceremony that included the awarding of a medal for outstanding achievment, and promotion in non-comm rank, to her son, who serves in an elite unit in one of the branches of the armed services.
I have great respect for my step-son's effort and service, usual, in talking to him and to other soldiers who he serves with, the following polls results seem to be "the norm":
The Harris Poll® #57, July 21, 2006
Belief that Iraq Had Weapons of Mass Destruction Has Increased Substantially
Most people do not think that U.S. troops will be out of Iraq in the next two years
Despite being widely reported in the media that the U.S. and other countries have not found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, <b>surprisingly; more U.S. adults (50%) think that Iraq had such weapons when the U.S. invaded Iraq. This is an increase from 36 percent in February 2005.</b> Overall, attitudes toward the war in Iraq are negative, and less than half of the U.S. population believes that the threat of terrorism has been reduced. U.S. adults are not confident that Iraq’s government will eventually become stable, and many think the war in Iraq is continuing to hurt respect for the U.S. around the world. Most people do not think that U.S. troops will be out of Iraq in the next two years.
These are some of the results of The Harris Poll of 1,020 U.S. adults (ages 18 and over) surveyed by telephone by Harris Interactive® between July 5 and 11, 2006.
Specifically, the survey finds:
* By 56 to 37 percent, a majority is not confident that Iraq will be successful in developing a stable and reasonably democratic government. This has improved slightly from November 2005, when a larger 61 to 32 majority felt this way.
* Furthermore, a large 68 to 28 majority thinks the United States is less respected around the world as a result of the invasion in Iraq. This is worse from a year ago in June 2005 when, by 62 to 33, a majority felt the U.S. was less respected.
Attitudes toward the Iraq war
The public’s views on Iraq have not changed substantially in the past year:
* A majority (56%) thinks that spending huge sums of money to invade and occupy Iraq has meant that a lot less money has been available to protect the United States against another terrorist attack. This has decreased from April 2005 when 62 percent agreed with this sentiment.
* Still, six in 10 (61%) adults agree (59% in April 2005) that invading and occupying Iraq has motivated more Islamic terrorists to attack the United States.
* By 58 to 41 percent, a clear majority does not think that invading Iraq has helped to reduce the threat of another terrorist attack against the United States. This is similar to the 61 to 39 percent majority that felt this way in April 2005.
What the public believes to be true
U.S. adults believe that the following are true about the war in Iraq:
* Seventy-two percent believe that the Iraqis are better off now than they were under Saddam Hussein (slightly down from February 2005 when 76 percent said this was true).
* Just over half (55%) think history will give the U.S. credit for bringing freedom and democracy to Iraq (down substantially from 64% in February 2005).
<b>* Sixty-four percent say it is true that Saddam Hussein had strong links to Al Qaeda (the same as 64% in February 2005).</b>
I can reluctantly accept the fact that many of my countrymen who are not serving in the military, hold to inaccurate beliefs about WMD existing in Iraq at the time of the 2003 U.S. invasion that were capable of being deployed in a timely manner, at Saddam's perogative, in an offensive, or even in a defensive projection of military force, or that Saddam had "strong links to Al Qaeda".
It is much more difficult, to experience, "in person", dedicated U.S. troops, including our close relative, voicing these same "beliefs". One of my step-son's friends and fellow soldier, informed me that superiors briefed him with the satisfying info that the U.S. administration has not disclosed information about the success of ongoing military operations that would be of political benefit to it, so as.....he was told.....not to jeopardize futher progress. This "briefing" had the intended result, because it influences that soldier to regard the administration with trust and admiration, but it also seems to pull him into an "inner circle", where he enjoys being privy to "special knowledge" that you and I have no access to.....but that he cannot verify as authentic.
We left our step-son and headed home....disturbed that the "spin" these troops receive, causes them to form inaccurate opinions and misplace their trust in a flawed and untrustworthy civilian command. The Harris poll results are just "icing on the cake"!