Anyone know how to make real lemonade?
So as some of you know, Mrs Mephisto and I live in a house on the same rural block as her parents, while our own house is being built.
Apart from a few "Everyone loves Raymond" moments every now and again, no real problems. Indeed, it's quite handy living 'next door' to your in-laws when baby-sitting is required!
Anyway, it's a nice large 17 hectare block. The thing is, MMM (Mrs Mephisto's Mum) keeps giving us bags and bags of lemons. She has a few trees and the things have gone riot. Not only is the ground littered with the things, but now our house is practically falling down with them. Every time we stop by her house, MMM gives us another bag of the things. And there's only so much Gin & Tonic my wife can drink!
So, I thought rather than throw these damn yellow bastards out, I would make some home-made lemonade! Brilliant!!
One problem though is that I have no idea how to do this.
So, rather than take the boring google way out I thought I'd ask here.
Anyone know how to make good lemonade? :-)
Mr Mephisto