Originally Posted by krwlz
snakepit for a brain? Haha, mind elaborating?
Well, it seems to me that in all the books he really dwells on the horror of any number of horrid situations. It's like hogtied.com and submissivesex.com meets rotten.com. Of course, he also comes out with a good bit on respect for the individual and some decidedly Old Testament morality, but, on the balance, I'd say he's just this side of Brett Easton Ellis on the f*cked-in-the-head-o-meter.
On the other hand, if you get a kick out of his stuff, I have to heartily recommend
American Psycho, the only book that ever made me nauseous.
So what I am getting at is, I suppose, the books can be a good-ish read in a sort of Robert Jordan meets Steven King sort of way, but, for my money, I think they would make a lousy miniseries. Everyone's a little sick in the head, and that responds to this sort of thing on the printed page, but when someone else is defining the pictures for you, I think you'll find that there aren't a lot of people who are precisely that kind of sick.
(No Spoilers here, unless a lot more of the same is a spoiler.)