If there are going with an environmental theme, definitely ask how the development is going to be incorporated into the natural environment of area and highlight (on the website) the environmental and sustainable initiatives the development is using.
I did some research for the county planning department a few weeks ago and I found some pretty cool and novel things that some towns are doing for sustainable development (Portland is one of the leaders). Here's a few things I thought of to ask:
- Is there limited pervious surfaces [compared to traditional developments ?] (which increase the amount of storm water run off)
- being pedestrian and alternative transportation friendly. Is the development near public transportation stops, has dedicated bike lanes in the streets and/or pedestrian trails (besides sidewalks) connecting cul-de-sacs ? (Though if there aren't any cul-de-sacs, the developer is actually environmentally sensitive.)
- having the planting strips (the strip of land between sidewalks and streets) landscaped with native plants, grasses, and trees ?
- Plot(s) of land in the development devoted to a community garden ?
Let us know how it goes. I'd like to see the site once it's done.
catcha back on the flipside,
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