Hi! Im new here, and I was wondering if anyone could help.
Im in shape and I love to work out (almost everyday), and also I take protein after my workouts. The problem is I'm too SKINNY! I'm strong for my size I guess, and I'm really cut, but what I really want to do is get big, and thats been a problem for me. I'd even prefer to get a little more fat if it could make me look bigger, but I can't. My metabolism is crazy! During one summer, I ate Burger King almost everyday, two times a day, for like a month and a half (I know it was stupid, but it I was taking really tough college class, and I just didn't have time to cook or go to any place better), and I think I got only slightly bigger.
Anyways, so I was wondering if you guys knew anything about weight gainer, and what are its pros/cons.
And also, a friend recently told me about NO2. I didn't really care about the perpetual pump, but what
really got me interested was the (supposed) fact that I keep whatever gain acquired from using the supplement. I already knew about creatine, and the fact that you lose so much after you stop taking it really turned me off. NO2 at least seemed like it could help me gain some mass permanently. Do you guys know if this is true? And also I read somewhere that cuts could be more dangerous because of the dilated vessels... (please tell me thats a lie!)
Finally, if you guys have any general tips on how to bulk up (in terms of eating, how I should be exercising etc...) Id appreciate it
Thx in advance!