Originally Posted by mixedmedia
I prefer au naturel with a nice depilatory trim around the edges. I have shaved completely in the past (for my ex) and hated it. I also agree with a previous poster who was off-put by the little girl connotations of a shaved pussy on a woman. No offense to anyone that prefers it, but on me personally, it just feels a little creepy. Plus I had many more of episodes of vaginosis and yeast infections while I was shaving.
As far as men's hair goes, please don't touch a hair for me! I LOVE men's body hair. All over, anywhere. Love it, love it, LOVE IT! (...well, perhaps I could do without that ear hair ).
I was blessed with a fairly light load of pubes to start with. I'm just not very hairy down there. My pubic hair is soft, and red, and there's not much of it anyway. My ex husband told me a long time ago that I should never shave because red pubic hair in the sunlight is one of the most beautiful things in the world. I have shaved and trimmed from time to time, but since I have so little to start with, it's just not worth the trouble. Like some other posters, I too am creeped out by the little girl look, and also by the guys that like it. I'm already small. I don't want to try and look like a ten-year-old.
Like abaya, I love men's hairy chests and even backs (some guys.) But I absolutely hate the "two day growth" beard that some find so attractive. To me it feels like coarse sandpaper. Especially when receiving oral. I hate that.