One question: is any of the well-preserved wildlife in the vicinity of my new home likely to carry off my dog, my cat, or my toddler? What kind of landscaping should I have in the face of marauding deer, who look at the average human garden and think "BUFFET!"
People want nature, but they want safe, too. You can't always have that, and you'd best set reasonable expectations among prospective buyers.
Finally: what is the emergency response time for ambulances? Fire engines? Law enforcement? Some people buy in the boonies, and still expect a five-minute response time for fire engines.
I live in a city at the edge of a rural area that has lately become the home of wilderness-seeking commuters. And these are all serious issues. A matter of half a mile controls whether or not you're within the purview of a professional fire department with a 5-7 minute response time, or a volunteer fire department with a 20-minute response time. Or whether you're in a dead zone under _no_ local fire/safety agency, save maybe the state foresters and the occasional deputy sheriff.
I take it you're out near Asheville somewhere. I live in Santa Cruz, and the dynamic is pretty close: a destination college town with a great deal of housing nearby in rustic surroundings, occupied by folk more citified than otherwise.
Last edited by Rodney; 07-31-2006 at 06:42 PM..