Originally Posted by JinnKai
11? Christ, man. Eat a fuckin sandwich! You sound like Paris Hilton.
In actuality, I don't see anything unhealthy in your descriptions thus far of your diet, exercise, and physique. Our body is adapted to handle all sorts of food -- in greater and lesser degrees, but you can eat just about anything as long as it's balanced relative to everything else in your life.
i agree dude... eat some food!!
however, jinnkai...
...so you feel that refined sugar, partially hydrogenated oils (AKA trans fats), high fructose corn syrup, etc. are just fine to eat? because that's what processed foods contain.
i don't really think your body adapts to handle that stuff unless you think obesity as a result is OK. we didn't have this problem to the extent that we did before all the processed stuff started hitting society. granted people are generally more lazy than they used to be. that said, you also have to consider what we put in our bodies.
i'm not trying to start a debate on the pros/cons of these processed foods - people can eat whatever they want. i personally want a decent quality of life as I age and believe food plays a key part, as well as excercise and mental health.
eating one twinkie isn't bad in and of itself. making it half your diet is, well...i'll stop there.