Well, never having done this myself.. but the area I moved from I know this question wasn't thought about when they built a new housing development.
1. I'm not sure what to call it- sewage system, plumbing, water supply? is it plentiful, where's it coming from?
2. If I am a parent moving to that area, I'm gonna want to know about schools.
3. If I'm at all religious, I'm going to want to know about houses of worship.
4. Shopping ability - do I have to travel 50 miles to go to the grocery store, or even to get gas.
5. What kinds of choices to I get when I build my home. What's standard and what will cost me extras (and that you could on for paragraphs on - like if I want a swanky bathroom- or a supernice kitchen...) What's the base house.
Where I grew up, in the new developments, the town did not allow for identical houses to be built wtihin x number of feet of one another - what are the zone regulations like
6. How much property and can i pick my lot
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