Cruise to Cozumel - advice?
So I've booked a cruise on the Fascination out of Miami, to Key West, then on to Cozumel. I've got three weeks until the cruise, its just going to be my wife and my self. I've never been on a cruise before, well, one of those 5-hour gambling cruises, but not a real cruise. I've never been to mexico before either. Does anyone have any advice for either?
I know I'm going to be spending a decent amount of time in the casino, watching some shows, and drinking. Anything else I should put on my itinerary while I'm on the boat?
And then to mexico, well cozumel. Never been there. I would like to go fishing while I'm there, but I've read that just about all fishing is done well offshore because of the protected reefs around the island. So it would take just about all the shore time to do any fishing, and as much as I'd love to hook up with a marlin, this probably isn't the best time to do it. I think we'll be doing a lot of shopping and some more drinking. I hear diving is great there, what with the reefs and crystal clear water. we may partake in some brief snorkling.
I would try and smuggle a box of cubans back, but now a days the best cigars don't come from cuba anyway. So what should I blow the rest of my money on after I drink most of it and lose it in the casino?
"If I am such a genius why am I drunk, lost in the desert, with a bullet in my ass?" -Otto Mannkusser