Originally Posted by fastom
So the first ever collapse of a skyscraper by fire happens three times in one day, hasn't happened since... that's rational. A group of students takes over several planes with only desktop weaponry, and we take a third party's word on that... rational. The entire air force is like the Keystone cops when they are most needed... rational. Screw the evidence, lets get that steel to the recyclers right away to make room... totally rational.
So , away from 9-11 and back to real life, if the cops find a dead body they cremate it right away, no need to investigate, it isn't gonna bring the victim back to life... duh! 
Never before has a building been hit with a plane that large and that full of fuel, or has since, its ignorant to say its never happened before therefore it can never happen ever, just plain ignorant. One of the major reasons that no fire has collapse a steel building be for the WTC, is all previous fires have struck old steel structures, WTC was one of the first to be designed with the help of computers, so if a beam needed to support 3 tons, it could support 3 tons, no more, no less, in the past, with out the aid of computers to get it right, building were designed huge redundancies, if it should need to support 3 tons, it could hold 10 tons. Hijackings occur infrequently, and before 9/11 no one thought they would ever crash a plane into a building, it was always the same drill, 'we want ____ or we kill everyone, meet our demands and they all survive'. So no one fought back, the passengers figured that if they did not resist, they'd get a free trip to some god forsaken country with out extradition rights, but they would live. If the passengers knew what was going to happen, the hijackings would not have succeeded, the passengers could have overpowered the hijackers with injuries, but overpowered nun the less. Flight 93 may have been proof of this, but what happened on flight 93 is spotty at best, and now polluted with that damn movie. As for the air force, there would have been hell to pay if they had just started shooting planes down, to sit here and say they should have done more with no one knowing what was going to happen is again ignorant of how the world really works, if they had shot down the planes, everyone would be up in arms about how are own military killed our own citizens with out trying for a peaceful solution.