My girlfriend of a year, my closest to that date, the girl who lost her virginity at the same time as myself, only real friend for about the same length of time, just after our anniversary (during which she gave me a gift saying something to the extent of "We're made for each other, we'll be together forever"), broke up with me without hardly a goodbye (though an assurance that she still loved me)... and refused to talk to me from then on... save one conversation a month and a half later during which she told me about all the guys she'd been with and that she'd cheated on me at the very end.
As a post-script, over a year later I was badly in need of a job and got desperate enough to apply at the same place she worked... thinking we were both adults and could handle it. I was half-right. She told them not to hire me under any circumstances. The boss was the guy she'd cheated on me with.