Originally Posted by JStrider
if your gonna talk about phantom make another thread, one marked spoilers... not all of us can afford to buy the hardback and its nearly impossilbe to get at the libraries right now...
Hey, no problem man, I was just wondering what he meant by snakepit for a brain. I think he can elaborate that without going into book details. If not, nevermind.
If you were but a bit closer man, I'd offer to send you my hardback copy, you could read it, and send it back to me. Provided you were kind on books that is. I enjoy sharing my books, its just the few that have come back to me broken and bruised, and or not come back at all that bother me.
Though that's not a bad idea... TFP book exchange, I send you one youve never read, you send me one I've never read, when we're done send em back, or to someone else on a list... Hmm.... Possibilities.