i agree with the whole you may be able to upgrade it thing. the bios is basicly the software thats in a chip on the motherboard that tells your computer what to do when it boots up. where to look for drives what to do to look for the operating system if its a toaster or a hamster or a dell that sort of real basic stuff.
In all honesty i wouldnt bother upgrading that thing. you might get a little more speed out of it after the hassle and a little cash but its just streching out your misery.
Depending on what you do with your computer you might be able to build yourself a new one for a few hundred dollars thats faster. recycling some stuff from your current computer of corse. keyboard moniter speakers mouse that sort of thing.
If your not big into gaming you can build a computer real cheap and from that you could upgrade easy for a long time. Having something thats easy to upgrade is really important with computers just because of how fast they get outdated.
If you cant afford to build a whole new computer now i would just wait and not mess with what you have untill you can save up some cash and build a decent system. If you can afford to put together something now this crazy forum is a great place to get advice on what the best bang for the buck combo would be.