ok i was just watching an interview with thomas friedman, writer of From Beirut to Jeruslaem. Thomas Friedman, as you may or may not know, is a decorated New York Times columnist and he has great kowledge of the middle east, spending many years there since the 80s or so. he said that he was in syria talking to three journalists. one wanted the complete destruction of israel. the other, as he put it, got a "buzz" from watching hezbollah fight israel. the final journalist said that hezbollah and nasrallah is a menace. three verying opinions. then he commented that too many people in the arab world get the same buzz as the second reporter and have similar hopes as the first reporter and that they need to get over it. he said there will be no new middle east when people like Rafik Hariri, who in my opinion was one of the most progressive and hopeful minds in the middle east, get assassinated and "old-timers" liek nasrallah keep their shit up. he said that these people need to get over their hate and idea of destruction (both ideological and physical) destruction of israel and concentrate on building and moving forward. he also said that the cycle of violence needs to stop because all it does is continue this pattern.
then earlier in the day, i saw comments from the ambrassador of lebanon to the U.S. say that Nasrallah has his respect and the president of lebanon himself has said he holds nasrallah in high regards and that he upholds "arab honor" in the middle east. this is exactly what Friedman was saying. they need to let go of this hope of trying to regain arab honor and to bounce back from what many arabs se as humiliation after losing wars to israel and concentrate on building up. what has been going on in the middle east clearly doesn't work, so it's time for a change.
he then made a commentary on India, a country that has the second most muslims in the world. after the bombings in mumbai weeks ago, he showed how calm india was. why? because india concentrates on building up. they have a muslim president. their leading movie actress is muslim. the richest computer software developer in the country is muslim. in my opinion, thomas friedman knows his stuff.