what happened to the jews is no excuse to what they are doing in lebanon. i feel that your post was there only to make us feel sorry for the past victimisation ofthe jews and how they deserve better and how they are 'hated by the rest of the world'. this is exactly what this whole conflict is about, trying to gain sympathy from the worlds media about who is the biggest victim in this whole thing. it happens in the jewish and arab media. period. you are just doing the same withouty being subjective. i could tell you that as a lebanese muslim how we went through hell in the civil war, how muslims have been treated unfairly all over the world..but i dont. lets just stick to the current facts, cos what hitler did 60 years ago is irrelevant in what is happening now. the only connection now is that the victim has become the oppressor.
oh yeah...just for your info..the spanish inquisition was targeted at jewish AND muslims there. lets not forget that the moors were driven from spain by queen isabella, in which the jews and muslims lived in relative harmony in a golden age of knowledge for both. so lets not victimise the jews.
one other thing... there is no 'army' fighting the jews (or hiding in civilian areas). just a bunch of rag tag hezbollah fighters. the lebanese army has reletively stayed on the sidelines in the conflict so far.
An injustice anywhere, is an injustice everywhere
I always sign my facebook comments with ()()===========(}. Does that make me gay?
- Filthy