krwlz, I'm with you. Ignore em. Having someone preach to you that you shouldn't do something THEY disapprove of doesn't change the reality of your situation, does it? If you've gotta do the drive, then you've got to.
It's sort of like asking folks their advice on baby strollers and being told instead that you're a paranoid, wacko, child-hating, bad teacher. I still can't figure out how that thread went wrong.
Here are our two worst drives EVAR:
1) Grancey and I had to make a drive from Iowa City to Starkville, Mississippi one day with her driving our pickup truck and me in front of her driving our minivan. It was a solid 12-hour drive. With about 4 hours left to go, Grancey realized that the alternator was starting to go bad in the pickup because the headlights were getting dim. Therefore, even if we stopped for a break she couldn't shut off the truck or we'd never get it cranked again. And she couldn't just walk away from a loaded truck with the engine still running, so, she didn't get any breaks toward the end of the drive.
2) Our "special" five hour drive that accompanied our last move. I can't tell you where we ended up because she doesn't want any of those Armed Parent Militia stalkers to know where we live, but we started out from Starkville and ended up where we are now. However, we'd spent the previous two days packing an enormous moving van ourselves (with her brother's help). All day Friday and all day Saturday, including sleeping on the floor Friday night and having a yard sale at 5AM Saturday morning to get rid of as much as possible. Then, we were FINALLY able to pull away from Starkville at 2AM Sunday morning with her driving her Impala, me driving that same damn pickup truck, and her brother driving the moving van. We arrived at our new home at 7AM after driving all through the night after having worked like dogs for two straight days. Today, if I ever encounter something that I think may be too difficult, I just think back on that night and figure if I could survive that nightmare, I can do anything.
Living is easy with eyes closed.