The crux of the problem as I see it is that our billions of years of evolution has shaped us so that doing the actions towards having children is incredibly pleasurable and rewarding yet for a variety of reasons many of us don’t want to have children. Unfortunately one of the big problems with capitalism as a system, especially the way it is run at the moment is that it is very dependent on continual growth and there really isn’t much planet left. Combined with the fact that people just don’t seem to die anymore, obesity etc. we have strong tensions on the issue of baby making. So ordinarily I would say that the answer is for society to force people to stop being so self centred and to gear people more towards having children – but the reality is that there are valid non selfish reasons for not wanting to add more chaos to this world.
That being the case I think we need to make the system more accountable for women who receive these payments. Men need to know the money is being spent for the child’s welfare. As for women who lie, the courts have to stop this simplistic attitude of just ruling in favour of women in family court cases. Its not working at all. We need a radical rethink of the process.
I am a big anti-women campaigner because I think that the last 30 years have brought through a number of changes in favour of women and many of them were not well thought out or knee jerk reactions. That said, in this case I think this guy is a complete dick and he should be taking an interest in his child and saving his money to help raise the kid rather than wasting it in frivolous suits like this. I hope the judge throws the book at him. I don’t want to have kids either – but fuck it if its going to happen doesn’t matter which slut lied to me I will still love the little beast.