The issue is really male rights here. And we've proven, that no matter how you spin it, it's unfair. The people who argue we deserve no such thing, as it's a womans body, are really just throwing out a hollow argument.
And by the way, if I can recall high school biology class... In a very technical sense, the fetus isn't even part of the womans body at any point. There is no blood flow between the two. There isn't even a direct nutrient transfer, it kind of filters through the placenta, and then into the child.
The umbilical cord is a connection between two seperate bodies.
Regardless, again, I doubt there is an answer to this problem (and I do see it as a problem) that everyone can agree on. But I do think some compromise is probably possible.
However, whenever it gets brought up, woman are going to scream "ITS MY BODY" and in the end, the male is going to slink off with his tail between his legs.
And willravel is right, a lot of people seem to make this assumption, that not only should a woman have the right to her body (which she should) but that she is the necesary parent, and that the father is optional.
Sorry to say it, but I'll bet I know a lot of kids that would be better off with their father, but they are stuck with their mother, based shearly on gender.
In fact, I'm related to one. She lets him run wild, he does not behave, and now at 15, he's a little duesche bag. His father HAS morals, and a sense of responsiblity. Had he grown up there 90% of the time and 10% with his mother, rather than vice versa, I garauntee he would prove to be a better part of society.
Last edited by krwlz; 07-28-2006 at 06:36 PM..