Originally Posted by Seaver
Kutulu I'm not getting into the right of a woman's abortion. So throwing that right around does not answer the question.
The question is a woman is allowed to abort a child. This is her method of not becoming a mother, not drastically changing her life, not having the responsibility. Don't answer by stating how a man should use a condom, vasectamy, etc. This is about post-conception, a woman *should* take care of everything on her side instead of aborting. Unless she was raped she has as little amount of excuses as the man.
However, a man has absolutely no method of dealing with a pregnancy post-conception. They can not abort if the woman decides to carry it, they can not wash their hands of responsibility as the woman can decide to. Their lives are changed, futures altered, plans ruined by the same outcome that a woman at any time can decide she does not want.
Don't speak to me about a woman's right of her own body. Dont speak to me about prevention. This discussion is about a mans rights post-conception, or lack thereof. If you can state why a woman should have every opportunity and a man have absolutely none, please try.
Its an unfair situation. I get that, but that's the way nature set things up. Is it fair that they have to deal with gaining 40 pounds, getting stretch marks and wrecking their bodies in general, taking time off of work, etc. while we just have to do is kick back and handle a crazy pregnant woman? No, just like this, its the way it is.
There are ways out already. Couples can reach agrements where one party is completely taken out of the picture. Sure, it doesn't work all of the time but that's life. Choose your partner well.
YOU may not be speaking of the right to abortion but it still goes hand in hand with the arguement.
Another thing, it's not as if abortion is a decision *most* people just make over their morning coffee. Half of the country thinks it should be outlawed and of the ones who support it, a damn good portion want it legal but would never consider it for themselves. Even the ones who *think* they would want it can't make the decision either. We are talking about a subset of a subset of a subset that is butthurt about the way nature is and a woman's right to choose.