Originally Posted by willravel
Once an older person is no longer able to take full care of themselves, can we just have them killed? I mean if we can do that with unborn children, I see no real difference (besides the fact that the older person has had the opportunity to live life, of course).
It's not the same thing because the older person (assuming they are no longer competent) was once a sentient being with the ability to decide what they want done to them medically through a living will. A fetus has not lived in the sense that they have never left the womb and have not communicated in a meaningful way. You would have been better off using an example of someone who was mentally retarded. Anyways, your observation is straying from the point of the debate.
My case again is that arguing this is futile as women are the bearers of children. Whether they want to be or not. It is their body and they can decide what they want to do to it. This is not inequal. This is nature. The biological purpose of sex is to conceive children. This debate could only come up in a western country as in most non-western countries women don't have the right to decide much for themselves. Abortion is not an option in many countries.
I'm not saying that it's fair BTW. Especially if the woman lies about whether she wants children. That's not right.
Dramatic example: say the woman has the kid. You never pay a dime. The mother never asks you for any. Roll forward 18 years later and the kid comes looking for you. They ask you why you never helped out when they were living in poverty with their mother. They tell you all the horrible trials they went through. You come to realize had you given some support they would have been better off. What kind of person are you, they ask. Their wearing your face and you can recognize them as one of your own. What do you do? Tell them that you think that it's unequal that women get to make the decisions regarding pregnancy so you didn't have to contribute towards any support?
This argument is shallow and those in favor of it sound like children to me. Where's your honor and responsibility?