I'm sick of the straight up lies in this thread. If you are going to present a debate, be honest.
Originally Posted by analog
Women can give a baby away for adoption, and women can have an abortion. A man, being equal partner in the creation of the fetus, has no options whatsoever. That is inequality.
Putative fathers have rights and CAN prevent mothers from giving up kids for adoption. It's been said before in the thread and others. To continue to state that is trolling. This also goes for abandonment.
Also, it's dishonest to make as big an issue about abortion as it has been made of here. Only about 20% of potential births end in abortion. For most people, because of spiritual, moral, or medical issues abortion is NOT an option.
Also, why the hell should a man have any say in whether the woman can get an abortion or not? Whose freaking body is it? When does a man have to ask permission from someone else to get a medical procedure done?
Back to the OP, the article never said that the woman LIED about her ability to get pregnant. That is you people drawing your own conclusions based on you own presumptions. People are born all the time from people who have been told they can't get pregnant. Women can get their tubes tied and it isn't 100%. I know at least 5 people that had another kid after being told by their doctor that they can't have kids. Shit happens.