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Old 07-28-2006, 11:38 AM   #50 (permalink)
Location: Under the Radar
Originally Posted by Ustwo
People need to take responsiblity for their own lifestyles. There is PLENTY of information out there and if they are too stupid or lazy to crack a book I have little sympathy for them. It would be nice if there were more nutrition centers or whatever out there, but most people are fat not because of a lack of education but a lack of desire to change.
Honestly, I couldn't disagree more with your statements. Yes, there is plenty of information out there, but much of it is contradictory and has little scientific basis.

For example, the food pyramid created by the USDA, which is the most recognized dietary outline to the American public, recommends that we eat 6 to 11 servings of bread, rice, cereal, and pasta per day. Most bread, cereals, and pasta are made from refined sugars. Intake of refined sugars are one of the root causes of obesity. This is scientifically proven.

The Atkins diet recommends eating as little carbohydrate as possible. The Pritikin diet recommends that 85% of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates. Which diet is the right diet? Could they both be right or both be BS? Can you see how this might confuse the general public looking for a diet plan to lose weight?

I would bet any money that most obese people would rather not be obese. I would also bet that most of these people wouldn't say "I want to lose weight, but if it means giving up donuts and Big Mac's, then forget it". Overweight people who try to diet typically fail because they either don't work for them or they suffer from undesirable side-effects like fatigue, headaches, increased hunger, and sleep deprivation. The typical overweight person needs more help than they are getting from professionals in order to succees in losing weight. I say that starts with our medical professionals, who should spend time detailing programs for overweight people when they recommend weight loss.
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