Originally Posted by warrrreagl
Feelin' for ya, krwlz. All this hostility and you didn't even mention anybody's kids. Wow.
Well, I can kind of understand it, though I certainly don't want it. After all, these people figure I'm threatening them and their kids.
I should point out, that most nights, I sleep on average 5 hours. A lot of times less than that. About once or twice a week (weekends) I sleep in, and get plenty of sleep (10-12 hrs).
To put that into terms everyone can understand, provided I follow through with my plan to get a LOT of sleep the previous 3 or 4 nights, I'm only going to be staying up for 4 or 5 hours more than I'm used to out of a day (granted, that puts me over a day).
Driving does make it a little bit differant, because you're seated and imboblie for all of it, but still, it's not totally out of the norm for me to do. Hell... I've worked subsequent days in a row (no more than two) without any sleep in between, and only five hours the night before.
Conditioning wise, I'm in pretty good shape for this. Sometimes, you have to play the cards that are dealt to you, and this is how I'm, going to play them, so given that... I was looking for constructive ways to minimize the risk. You all probably have more risk getting on the road for the morning commute than you do from me driving to VA Beach... Those people (Cell phones, newspapers, coffee, cigarettes, and make up in hand) are fucking nuts.
Thank you much for the sentiment though.
Something I'm suprised no one's mentioned though is this:
Water. As much or more than caffiene, I find high quantities of water, and oxygen (windows open) help a LOT in long drives.
Another pro to keeping the windows open.... The air that comes through your vents enters the car at... You guessed it, tailpipe level. Carbon Monoxide is known to put you to sleep at low quantities.
MIght as well share my secrets and make this informative to everyone.