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Old 07-27-2006, 02:16 PM   #23 (permalink)
Delusional... but in a funny way
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Location: deeee-TROIT!!!
My maternal grandfather had an upholstering business, and frequently stapled himself to furniture. He couldn't fight in WWII because his three older brothers were already US soldiers. He used to have a family band before his brothers shipped off to Europe, and apparently they were pretty good, although they never cut an album or anything. Eventually he retired, and he died of cancer in 1993.

My maternal grandmother was a homemaker, and eventually went to work at a plastic factory after her four children were mostly grown. After Grandpa died she had to go back to work (at 70) to pay off his remaining medical bills. Isn't that fucked up? She worked for several years as a caregiver for mentally/physically challenged adults before my Mom started paying her to watch my brothers and I after school (something she'd do for free, but my Mom knew her financial situation). After she got on her feet again she moved to Georgia with her newly divorced son (my uncle Greg), and a year after that he retired and they both moved back to Minnesota, where they currently reside:-)

My paternal grandmother, after graduating college, joined the US army. After training she was commissioned to 1st Lieutenant. She met my grandfather in a gas chamber during an NBC exercise near the Port of Embarkation in San Francisco. They got married a month later, then he shipped off to Austria and she went to New York City to train a company of female soldiers from Puerto Rico. At some point she had tea with Eleanor Roosevelt in the library room of the house that was "12 Oaks" in Gone With the Wind (You know the room they were in when Scarlet first meets Rhett, and then throws a glass at him? Yeah - that's the room). After the war was over they moved to Germany for a few years, and then back to Michigan. She was head librarian at the local library for 40-some years, and was grand marshall one year during the town's 4th of July parade. It was funny cuz they had her sitting in the back of a convertible, but she's so freakin' short that you could barely see her. Everyone's like, "where's Betty? Oh, wait, I think that's her hair..." She died of cancer in 2001.

My paternal grandfather was a career Army man. He started at PVT and worked his way up to Master Sergeant over the years. During WWII he was a codetalker, since he spoke Navajo. I think they're also called Windtalkers, like the movie. At some point he received a field commission to 1LT. Eventually he retired. He died of cancer in 1984.
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