It would be easier for me to list ten (or 100) things I don't like about myself....but let's see if I can come up with ten good things.
1. I'm very loyal, especially to my family. Nobody messes with da family.
2. I'm stubborn. It keeps me working until I get it done/figure it out. Hubby says he's never met a more stubborn woman.
3. Open-minded
4. Compassionate
5. I like that I'm sticking with the exercising and losing weight.
Man, this is hard.
6. My eyes. They aren't just one color, but range from green to golden.
7. My reading comprehension. I didn't know until just recently how many people have trouble with this and how lucky I am.
8. I'm a good listener, even if I don't have any answers.
9. I try to be considerate in everything I do/every decision I make.
10. I can communicate with all different age groups.
Well, it took me at least 20 minutes......but it does make me feel good that I found ten.
"Whoever wrote this episode should die!"