Most of my tricks are HIGHLY annoying to my wife, so I don't get to try many of these when she's riding with me. However, if you're going to be driving alone, feel free....
1) M&M's - eat them ONE at a time and DO NOT chew. Allow the whole thing to completely dissolve. Then, wait 1 minute (watch the car clock) before popping in the next one. If it's a peanut M&M, then you may chew the peanut before proceeding. By the way, I've discovered that if I eat a lot of food while driving, I get drowsy afterwards, so that's why I try to make the M&M's last as long as possible.
2) Regulate the sips of your beverage to one sip every 5 minutes. Again, you have to watch the clock on this one. It's amazing how much time will pass before you even realize it.
3) Tickle your own bare feet. The bottoms of your feet are pretty sensitive and this keeps you alert.
4) Your face is also sensitive too. Therefore, pull the hair on your sideburns, mustache, beard, etc. Pinch your own cheeks, nose, ears, etc.
5) Play a harmonica along with the radio. Even if it's not even close to being in tune, it's still fun.
6) Plan how you would spend The Lottery.
7) Books on tape/CD work pretty well for me. Now, however, I have SIRIUS radio thanks to Grancey, and I can make those 198 stations last a loooooooong time.
Living is easy with eyes closed.