the things we remember...
I dont know what made me think this - one of the things I do remember about my mother's mother, was her amazing baking ability.. she made the most incredible lemon menangue pies, from scratch, that were sooo good..for christmas and thanksgiving she also always made mincemeat pie - no one would eat it but my father who only ate to make my grandma feel good, and turns out, she only made it because my father always ate it... (I have a very weird family)
She also had the most amazing collection of costume jewelry that my sister and I were allowed to play with when we came to visit.. it was so sparkley and shiney... (and my mother says most of it was good stuff too) Grandma was also a lady... she always wore high heels and hose when she went out buy she was paranoid about ever looking heavy - so... she woudl wear a skirt, slip, and stockings with garter belts - because pantyhose were just tacky) but never wore undies because she didn't want the extra layer of clothes.
She also had a major fit when I got my ears pierced in 4th grade (only just off the boat little italian girls did that - what was my mother thinking) and the fit got bigger when I started wearing glasses... Girls cant' wear glasses... not in public.. Ah gran... she was an odd bird... oh yeah and she had purple hair.. she had gray hair that she used to have the ahir dresser put rinses in to get rid of the yellowishness that some gray hair gets- and the rinse left her with a purplish tint...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.