Okay, you know better. A couple of hints:
* If you need to pull over, try Walmart parking lots. They invite RVs to stay over, if local laws allow. Park next to an RV, and security will think you're with them. It's safe, and when you need something to eat you can wander inside.
* Ginkgo Biloba tablets. They're supposed to up your intelligence; they don't. But they _do_ dilate the arteries in your brain so that more oxygen gets in. Late at night, that means you don't get drowsy. Used to use them to study late; generally I can't do real work past 9. With the ginkgo, I could go past one. And I'm an old guy.
The upside: when you do need to sleep, you can fall asleep easily. Take a lot, though: 5-6 thousand milligram capsules a pop.
I did a 14-hour run from Las Vegas to the Bay Area in one shot; didn't start out 'till noon. Actually blacked out during the last part of the drive and "sleep drove" for 25 miles. Scary. Never again.
Last edited by Rodney; 07-26-2006 at 06:43 PM..