Tips to stay awake and alert for extended periods of time?
Ok, the background:
My internship in Kansas City ends friday August 11... My families vacation in a beach out on VA beach begins August 12. Therefore, when I get finished with my last day (probably around 1 or 2 in the afternoon for the last day), I will be packing, and heading out to Va Beach.
It's an 18-20hr drive. I intend to do it all in one shot, so that I'm not arriving there after everyone is already in bed that saturday... ie, with no way into the house, and so I can maximize my time there.
Irresponsibility aside, any tips for staying awake during that drive?
My plans thus far include getting copious amounts of sleep for the three or four nights prior. Also, I'm thinking maybe I'll go buy a book on CD, giving me something other than just music to focus on during the drive. Lastly, stopping to get out of the car, and walk around for a few minutes every couple hours, just to keep the blood flowing.
I don't really think I'm going to have too many problems, just looking for any suggestions.