If your boyfriend is moving in with you, it is unlikely that he would be able to cosign for you - rather, the landlord would look at both of your credit histories and decide from there.
As far as your credit report goes, your rental payment history doesn't appear on your credit. If the only thing you have out there is a collection, you may find it difficult to find a landlord that thouroughly checks credit history that will accept you.
However, I would recommend getting "Verifications of Rent" and submitting them with your application. Regardless of your credit history, if you can show that you have never been late on rent in your entire rental history, the landlord will likely take that into account.
I would recommend getting that collection paid off ASAP - contact the collection agency and see if you can negotiate a lower total, but even if you can't, I'd pay it off. With just trying to establish your credit, having a collection out there is going to be very detrimental. Even when it is paid off, it will still affect your score negatively, but it will affect it less than having it open, and show potential lenders/landlords that you do take care of your obligations.
I would also recommend trying to establish some other credit - without someone able to cosign, you would likely have to get a secured credit card to begin re-establishment.
When filling out your application, ensure that the landlord knows about all of your income - if you have to include it on a seperate sheet of paper, do so. You want to make yourself and your boyfriend look as appealing as possible as tenants.
Good luck, and if you need any more help, let me know!
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.
Just in case you were wondering...