As a gal, I probably would not go to a sexually-oriented entertainment (stripper) club with co-workers, especially immediate group co-workers. I wouldn't want to put myself in a potentially sexually-charged environment with guys I'll be working with's not professional, and while I understand this would be an out-of-office event, well, I already have to work hard enough to be taken seriously, being younger (than most of them, anyways), non-military, and female.
Now I have gone to a burly club in Vegas (Forty Deuce) with some co-workers, but they were more friends than co-workers--in fact, the only thing that was co-worker about them is that we are of the gigantic nameless hord. I never see them in a work situation, and I wouldn't see them at all if I didn't make an effort to during lunch or after hours. I wouldn't have a problem working closely with them and going to a burly, but mainly that's the friends thing. I would be extremely picky about going to any burly show even in that situation, and for the record, they do not know that I am a burly performer as well. It's just better that way.
"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra and then suddenly it flips over, pinning you underneath.
At night, the ice weasels come." -
Matt Groening
My goal? To fulfill my potential.