Maus is an excellent graphic novel. I have probably read it at least a few dozen times (and occasionally spot/understand things I missed before). However, I find the value in the story more so than the art. Not that Art Spiegelman isn't an excellent artist, just that his story, in my opinion, would have been just as effective in an entirely textual book. But he did it that way because he liked/wanted to. And I read it because I'm one of those guys who likes dramatic stories, especially true ones related to World War II, and not because it was a graphic novel.
In general, I do not enjoy comics unless they're satiric. Dilbert, Calvin & Hobbes, &c are the only ones I actually own in some form. Some people I know are into DC/Marvel comics, others are into anime. So what? Who cares? To each their own, I say.
"There are finer fish in the sea than have ever been caught." -- Irish proverb