Hi, my name is...
...My friends call me 'Sexy' because my initials are SXC.
My grandmother wanted my mom to name me Sterling when i was born , but my mom vetoed that idea quickly and went with something else...
Pronounced 'Stef-on'...but i always get Steven or Stephan. Never used to annoy me that much as a kid, but now it kind of irks me when people get it wrong, I correct them, and they still insist on saying it wrong. Jerks...
I LOVE my middle name. I don't know where my mom got it from, but it's uber-cool in my eyes...pretty much my name-sake's saving grace. Everyone thinks it's exotic and i agree. I mean, c'mon, how many people do you know with a X-name???
Family name. There has been a few mix-ups with my identity because on my school records my last name has always been spelled 'Cowen', but on my other official documents (birth certificate, social security card, etc) it's spelled 'Cowan'...once i got old enough to handle the situation myself, I had everything switched over so it all matched up (my mom didn't seem to care that my life would be complicated by this sometimes).
So there you are...Stephon Xavion Cowan...that's me!!!
"I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don't know the answer!"
Last edited by Xavion; 02-04-2011 at 12:21 AM..
Reason: Just because i can.