Originally Posted by fresnelly
Game on Leto!
The stone refers to the Rail bridge that Crosses Queen between Dufferin and Gladstone, rather than the ill-fated Queen underground line.
The Inscription reads
R.J. Fleming, Mayor
E.H. Keating, City Engineer
W.F. Grant & Co.
Hamilton Bridge Wks Co. Contractors
You'll find it in this picture sitting in the upper right at rail level.

The word "subway" in railway bridge terminology refers to a rail over road type bridge actually.
Again, in railway bridge terminology, when you have road over track, the bridge will be referred to as an "Overhead"
As opposed to the more common highway terminology of over pass and under pass.
For example, north of Dupont, along the CPR's North Toronto subdivision, you have the Christie Street Subway, the Shaw Street Subway, the Ossington Avenue Subway, etc. etc.
Bit of railway trivia for you.
You can always get some screwed up looks when you refer to railway bridges and call them "subways". Though, amazingly, I have heard Joe Q. Public correctly refer to them as subways as well.
And another bit of info you might find interesting, the Queen Street Subway is scheduled to be majorly reworked. They are going to eliminate "the Dufferin Street Jog" which is where one must turn right on Queen, left on Gladstone, then right on Dufferin in order to go north continuously on Dufferin.
I only hope they don't wreck the stone work. It's an amazing example of fine masonry work, as is the King Street Subway to the south on the same lines.
GO Transit now owns part of that bridge and a large part of it is not utilized.
I believe you have the CPR Galt Subdivision (owned by GO Transit now) and the CNR Weston and Newmarket Subdivisions on there.