Man, I hate this game. It dominates my time like nothing else.
I have 2 "mains" and my time commitment for both is getting pretty ridiculous.
My druid is in a BWL/AQ40 raiding guild and I was just made the druid class officer. My warrior is in an MC raiding co-op and I am now the warrior class leader. My entire week is just raid raid raid.
As far as gear goes, I have everything a druid could possibly want from MC, but I have a long ways to go before I am elligible for any good loot in BWL... especially because we don't get any druid drops at all.
My warrior is fun because I have enough gear to both be a main tank and come in #2 on damage meters (I love fury). However, I plan on pouncing on the Bonereaver's Edge or the Spinal Reaper as soon as one of them drops. I'm getting an itch to tear shit up in battlegrounds. Fury may be good for DPS, but MC fury itemization is a dead end. Since I don't see my warrior in BWL any time soon to gobble up the doom's edge, crul'shoruk (which everyone in my BWL guild wants anyways), chromatic boots, drake talon pauldrons or master dragonslayer's ring, I figure I'll just get a nice MC 2h and switch to arms.