My Super Ex Girlfriend - 85%
A great movie to take your longtime SO to, although probably not so much for a first date. If you've ever had a crazy ex, then you'll love this.
Clerks 2 - 95%
Funny, funny & funny. If you like Smith's movies, this is a must see. If you do not, don't bother, this won't convert you, it'll only drive you farther away. Spoiler: Beware the Silence of the Lambs bit forewarning you of what is to come.
Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest - 70%
A good movie, but not as good as the first. It definitly gets an A+ for style, however.
Last edited by Coppertop; 07-30-2006 at 08:01 AM..
Reason: added an s