Freaking Myself Out
Months have become a constant source of ulcers at my house. I recently, for some god forsaken reason, looked up signs of pregnancy... from there it all went downhill.
This month my girlfriend mentioned that her breasts were bigger and at first they were tender but after that they were good. There were a day or two where she said she had to pee all the time. She has been crying more then usual. She mentioned feeling ill brushing her teeth one morning.
AHHHHH! I know she's not pregnant. It is so very unlikely. She is on birthcontrol and when we make love with out a condom I pull out more then a couple of seconds before I cum. She has her period on sunday but she is always a couple of days late.... oh god I'm going to die in the next four or five days.
Comfort me please.
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.