Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
So what you're saying is that men should basically have no rights what-so-ever.
If a woman doesn't want to be a mother, a man can't prevent her from having an abortion. So why should a man be forced by a woman to be a father if he doesn't want to? That seems like a double standard to me.
(I don't want to turn this into a topic about abortion, but I scoff at the "It's my body, so I'll do whateve I want to it!" argument. The day that a woman becomes capable of having a baby by herself is the day I'll accept that argument.)
Anyway, I personally wouldn't skip out on child support if I ever had a child, but I do agree with the underlying logic of the lawsuit.
Agreed on all points. The body is that of the woman, but the responsibilty of the child should be split evenly between the procreators. It takes sperm and ovum to create a human being. If I could have carried my daughter for 9 months, I swear to God I would have. Just because I wasn't given that option doesn't mean I, as a man, should have less rights. I have no problem with women doing manual labor, even though the average man is stronger than the average woman. I don't think it's fair to exclude or mistreat someone based on their gender.
I think that the responsibility should be split on everything 50/50.
Getting to Kutulu... Both genders are responsible for procreation, male and female. If a man has a child and doesn't take responsibility, then he is a child who should have a vesectomy until he's mature enough to live with the consequences for his actions. Likewise, if a girl goes out and has unprotected sex, gets pregmnant, has an abortion, and all that jazz, she should have her tubes tied until she can be mature enough to life with the consequences of her actions. Children (and by that I mean people who can't act like responsible adults) should NEVER have sex. Until contraceptives are have a 100% success rate, people should stop acting like wild dogs and learn to show some restraint.
I also am a little weary from all the condemnation coming from women about dea beat dads. Most dads aren't dead beat dads. I do everything I possibly can to make my daughters life wonderful. I wiould do anything for her.
Another thing that's been bothering me: If women had control over their bodies, wouldn't they avoid the whole abortion process by not shagging some guy? Where is that control under these circumstances? I can understand circumstances such as rape, incest or retardation, but most abortions have nothing to do with those things. Most of the time it's the old 'caught up in the moment' thing...but I digress. This isn't about abortion.