They are, however, said not to attack first, but if provoked, you must be willing to die for your God and dying for Allah is the greatest thing.
Actually Muhammed himself receives messages from God saying it's ok to attack first. Hense why it was ok for them to attack the Byzantine Empire while they were allied with most of the tribes. The rule set was to convert, by converting they must set out the superiority of Islam, to do that they must militarily defeat them.
And Stevo, there are correlations between the Nazis and Islamofacists. However there were very few actually allied with Hitler, and that was a means to an end in order to kick England out of Egypt. None of their writing stated direct hatred of perticular groups until after the war. They instead stole pieces of social constructions from the Nazis (who stole many from us).
Things like the Green Shirts and Young Egypt reflected directly the Brown Shirts and Hitler Youth (the names themselves give validity to this), which were stolen directly from the Boy Scouts.
This logic of one begetting the other, however, is false. Because we started the Boy Scouts, one can not hold us responsible for the Hitler Youth or Brown Shirts. One can simply provide evidence of Islamic Fundamentalism predating Hitler by over a thousand years. The father of Sala'hadinn (Saladin) studied religion greatly and developed the first term for Jihad as an external struggle (until this time it was purely internal). In his writings he wrote down the first statements which would lay the roots of the Islamofacism.
This redeveloped at the decline of the Ottoman Turk Empire as the Islamic world found their merchantile and technological lead extremely quickly deteriorate. Islamofacism developed out of methods to justify defeats their military and society suffered, provided by the evaporation of the fundamentalism writings after the recovery of Jerusalem and the victories over the Crusaders in the later generations.