Hoom hom indeed Charlatan

Actually, there is a related set I have never drawn, but I like the idea of - and that is Mist Brides, who would be cousins to the Entwives but live where land and water meet.
Thanks ng - I was thinking how the little images I can attach to the posts here at TFP look like cards. They look pretty neat that way, don't they. Maybe I need someone to help direct what I do so that it ends up as cards that carry sweet words. I know that would be a wonderful source of income, in addition to the pleasure I would get from sharing in such a manner. Actually there is a show in Toronto called Square Foot
http://awolgallery.com/ to which I am submitting 3 pieces for consideration. That is why I am cutting some out. Wish me luck
I have heard that Zeraph - and it is a very interesting idea to interpret these in 3 dimensions, in a manner that would fit with the outdoors. I should look into it.
Thanks amonkie and captobvious. Creating that flow is a very fun part of doing the work.
Thank you JJ. Green is my favorite colour. And if you know a way to knock on a fantasy publishers door . . .
Onesnowyowl I am glad to share. TFP gives such a wonderful vibe
I like colour Mal - I just have concentrated so much on drawing with pen and pencil that the colour sort of became secondary. That is the beauty of drawing with colour pencils, eh? Two birds and all that
Thanks aberkok. I am interested any time. These days the studio time would be hard to work out if I was to draw you recording, but if you are willing to go with something I produce in my own studio . . .
So, here is another one I did last night to get ready to submit to that show.