Tilted Cat Head
Location: Manhattan, NY
Originally Posted by JinnKai
Garbage. Show me ANY source that discounts the effectiveness of Lojack.
I think THEY have some confidence in it to, as they'll refund the entire cost of the system (and in some cases a partial cost of the vehicle) if the it is stolen and not recovered within 24 Hours. Do you have any idea how fast they'd go out of business with a policy like this and a dismal record like you purport?
I never stated it was a DISMAL record. Please don't put any words into what I've written because it's clear that all I stated was that it can be COMPROMISED.
I don't even have it myself, but I've seen it be remarkably effective.. with the cops catching the car and the crook in under 20 minutes. My mom has it on her car, and they'll refund the entire unit cost including installation AND give her 20% of the car's net worth if it ever is. It may be a special deal, I'm not sure what exactly she paid. But I know it's been effective so far. 
When they installed it, they put a tent up INSIDE the car so that even my mom couldn't see where they'd installed it.
That's great, but two things. There are FINITE spots to hide the transmitter, once a thief starts targeting a vehicle, they learn all that they can as how it's protected. Just like any hacker hacking into any system, they learn the ins and outs and possibilities.
from lojack.com website:
Can car thieves find my LoJack and beat the system?
The LoJack unit is very small - about the size of a deck of cards - so it can be hidden in as many as 20 to 30 different places in your vehicle. This makes it very difficult for thieves to find your LoJack.
Difficult, not impossible.
But since you've offered the challenge...
More than ninety percent (90%) of all stolen vehicles equipped with the LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System have been recovered, many within a few hours. Due to the record of quick recoveries with LoJack, many insurance companies offer discounts on comprehensive fire, theft, and vandalism premiums for vehicles with LoJack.
10% isn't dismal by a long shot,but it is still 10%.
With the purchase of a LoJack, you receive a two-year Limited Recovery Warranty. With this Recovery Warranty, if your vehicle is stolen and not recovered within 24 hours, LoJack will refund the purchase price of your LoJack system up to the manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP). Additional warranties that extend your coverage are available. Ask your dealer for details.
Refund the MSRP of the LoJack system. Installation is extra, and not included.
How do I know if my LoJack is working?
Your LoJack is tested and certified at the time of installation. We then recommend an inspection of your LoJack every two years. Inspections cost $69* and can be arranged by calling 1-800-4-LOJACK (1-800-456-5225).
What should I do if my vehicle is involved in an accident?
If your vehicle sustains damage as a result of an accident, you should call us at 1-800-4-LOJACK (1-800-456-5225) to schedule an inspection for your LoJack. This inspection is required in order to maintain your warranty coverage and to ensure your LoJack is in working condition.
Looks like a loophole to me to make it so they don't have to do anything if you don't have it inspected every 2 years.
From CarsDirect.com
Approximately 90% of stolen vehicles that have LoJack are recovered.
Vehicles recovered with LoJack usually have one-fifth the damage of stolen cars without LoJack.
LoJack is currently available to 65% of the U.S. population.
LoJack's warranty guarantees to recover your vehicle within 24 hours after it's been reported stolen to the police, or LoJack will refund the cost of the LoJack System.
Again, 90% recovery rate, good number. 65% of the US Population can get LoJack. Bad number if you live in Small Town, USA. Does that mean that not all police departments have access to LoJack retrieval systems? No. Police stations have to pay for the LoJack Retrieval systems, which is why it's not in every municipality, county, city of the USA. Even Poland is questioning it's deployment.
198,000 total cars with lojack installed, less 10% (19,800) gives you "180,000 vehicles have been recovered worldwide." !9,800 isn't a large number at all, but you have to admit it's greater than zero, and well, if I was part of the 19,800 it would still suck.
Oooh they refund the cost of the LoJack System. So they offer to refund you the cost of product. Your car is still stolen.
Now, you don't notice the vehicle is stolen for over 24 hours or wait longer than 24 hours to report it? It's gone. I happen to not see my car every day. I happen to have it parked in a garage 4 blocks away. If for whatever reason it got stolen from the parking garage, it can be almost 2 weeks from when I last drove it.
I can find nothing that suggests they will refund a portion or percentage of the cost of the vehicle.
some fine print: (highlighting and bold mine)
Your guarantee of LoJack's effectiveness is provided exclusively by the LoJack Corporation. The State of New Jersey, the New Jersey Division of the State Police, the State of California, the County and City of San Diego, the City of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Police Department, the County and City of San Francisco and the San Francisco Police Department, the City of San Jose and the San Jose Police Department, the Houston Police Department, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the Virginia Department of State Police, the State of Maryland and the Maryland Department of State Police are not parties to the sales agreement relating to this product and they do not warrant, guarantee, assure or otherwise make any representations or endorsements regarding the use, accuracy, reliability, merchantability, fitness for your use or operation of this product or the LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System or any of its component parts. The Stolen Vehicle Recovery System contract between LoJack and each of the above agencies is for a minimum period of five years and LoJack may or may not be the principle operator of the Stolen Vehicle Recovery System after the expiration of the initial term of such contract.
Your guarantee of LoJack's effectiveness is provided exclusively by the LoJack Corporation. The New York State Police and the New York City Police Department will monitor the LoJack frequency under five (5) year and 5-1/2 year agreements with the LoJack Corporation. Upon expiration, these agreements are subject to review for renewal. These agreements do not obligate the police departments to recover any particular vehicle. The State of New York, the New York State Police, the City of New York, and the New York City Police Department are not parties to the sales agreement and they do not warrant, guarantee, assure, or otherwise make any representations regarding the use, accuracy, reliability or operation of the LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System or any of its component parts.
Finally, I grew up in LA. Lots of cars there had LoJack. What happened when the person who stole the LoJack vehicle drove it from the good ol' USA into Mexico????
Originally Posted by shakran
Lojack is great. Car alarms are good too as long as you know what you're going for. Don't just get a normal car alarm. Get a PAGING car alarm. One with really good (at least 2 blocks) range. much more than that isn't useful because you won't be able to get to the car in time anyway, but if someone tries to jack your car while you're sitting in the house, you can go out and introduce yourself.
I do know someone who had a pager alarm system in LA. He got up and went down to investigate with a bat. Turned out someone was breaking into his car.
They beat the shit out of him and he was hospitalized, and he had his car stolen.
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not.
Last edited by Cynthetiq; 07-20-2006 at 08:01 PM..
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