Originally Posted by soccerchamp76
A final note on M. Night Shymalan's films (Signs, The Village, etc): I think he is a good director up until the last 15min of the films he makes. All of the surprise endings above make logical sense and are well written. His endinds are nonsensical and making the consumer mad at the film for having such a preprosterous ending (umm..The Village). He needs to make a good horror film without ending with an ill-placed ending just so people can say you have "twist" endings.
I'd have to disagree here. Of the four so far, I was completely caught off guard by
The Sixth Sense, missed the big final revelation of
Unbreakable, and liked the moody atmosphere of
The Village didn't work for me, and I saw the ending coming from a ways off because I've read at least two different versions of that same basic story, but liked the excecution nonetheless.
The thing with the twist endings is that none of them were tacked on. They were all integral to the story, and the plot was built around that twist. These movies don't exist without that ending driving them.
There's more to these movies than the twist endings, too. The way Unbreakable was shot makes it a visual feast--it's mostly long takes with complex composition. Take the initial scene in the hospital. While we're getting the speech from the doctor in the foreground, one of the last patients to survive the train wreck is dying in the backround, and the doctor makes reference to this late in the shot, drawing our attention to something that was happening in front of us the whole time, but we were disregarding to focus on the main characters. Nice. The movies are filled with little touches like this that make them somewhat more than just thrillers with twist endings.