pride or little brother syndrome?
Well... something I have been trying to figure out for a while.
I don't mean this post to be argumentative, so I would appreciate posters replying with civility.
Ok... here's the question.
I read a lot of forums... and inevitably, there is always an Canadian/American pissing match - usually when those from Canada start to stick up for themselves. Usually, in the end, we get labelled as "jealous" of America, or some iteration thereof.
(Okay... so that part was really more of a general statement... HERE's my question)
Are we as Canadians becoming increasingly proud of where we are from? Are we losing the "nice guy" attitude and starting to stand up for oursleves? Is it "OK" for us to become proud, chest-thumping Canadians? AND... and this is a big AND (hence the capitals).. why is it OK for Americans to be so damn proud of their nation (*and that's a GOOD THING people) but not so much for we Canadians?
I await your repsonses...
Again. PLEASE maintain your civility... I don't want to have to look sternly at you!