I bought my fiancee's engagement ring online at bluenile.ca You go into this search engine and pick what style cut you want, clarity, color and carat and you specify how much you want to spend.
Then the search engine spits out all the loose diamonds that fit your criteria. .44 is a very nice size. I really didn't know how big a carat was but my fiancee's main stone is .62 and is very large (imo)
But bluenile is great you have access to the grading report that comes along with each diamond so you can check it out before you buy it. So you can see what level the flouresence is at, the girdle width and the specific inclusions each stone has.
I then picked out a setting and Bluenile puts it all together for you. They ship it out to you fedex and your good to go. Whatever you do when you buy the ring go and have it appraised right away to make sure you didn't get screwed over.