I'm the oldest of three. My brother is five years younger and my half-sister is 19 years younger. My brother and I were together constantly growing up. We lived in the country, so we had to play together or each by ourselves. We fought all the time it seemed like then, but in the next instant we would be laughing. We always took up, and still do, for each other when someone was picking on one or the other. We are constantly reminiscing when we get together.
I think that my always following the rules probably influenced my brother's rebellious time he had, but there were other factors as well. In school I got good grades, while he, being smarter than I was/am, got "just good enough".
My sister, who isn't growing up in the house with a sibling (she's 9), would so love to. She and I are pretty close. She and my brother not so much. I don't know if it's because he was always the "baby" or maybe they just don't click. Also, my brother is much, much wittier than I am and could always put me in my place verbally, but my sister is very witty herself and can sometimes talk him into a corner. I find it highly amusing, but he does not. Also, she craves that sibling arguing/competition. I will tease her and argue just because I know she enjoys it and it makes her feel like a sibling.
I found this article to be right on in my personal experiences....but as with everything, I'm sure there are exceptions to the rule.
"Whoever wrote this episode should die!"